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Downloads the Representative Market Rate Exchange (RMRE) from the source. Allows setting the data series in time frequencies, splitting the time series through start and end functions, transforming the data set in log returns or levels, and making a Dynamic graph.


pip install cITMre=0.1.0
from citmre.citmre_fun import rmre_data

# Show full series dataset
rmre_serie = rmre_data()

# Show monthly dataset with Plotly Graph
rmre_splited = rmre_data(frequency=12, log_return=False, plot_data=True)

# Show quaterly log_return dataset with Plotly Graph
rmre_splited = rmre_data(frequency=4, log_return=True, plot_data=True, type="mean")

# Show splited log return dataset
rmre_splited = rmre_data('2000-01-01','2023-12-31', log_return=True)
#> "Warning: The information will be obtained from the next business day, as the desired date is a holiday or weekend."

Example Image